BI.MAC. S.r.l. - Macchine per l'Industria Alimentare


Roaster BARTH model Scirocco

Machine origin: Warehouse BI.MAC.

Roaster BARTH model Scirocco coming from the warehouse BI.MAC . and completely overhauled according to the normal review cycle BI.MAC. with the following procedures and additional features:

- Turning the conical seats of the chamber of roasting.
- New cooler complete of new agitators.
- New burner placed in a unit from separate the roasting chamber.
- New cintake cyclone in a separate unit.
- New electric plant with touch screen control panel.


Roaster Bart Scirocco

Roaster Barth Scirocco
Frontal view

Roaster Barth Scirocco
Back view

Intake, air and
burner ducts detail

Burner and cyclone

Electric box and
touch panel detail


Bi.Mac. s.r.l. - Loc. Malpaga, 22 - 29010 Calendasco (PC), Italy - P.IVA: IT00950600338